Sesión de grabación para el vídeo sobre la Cátedra.

Durante la sesión de grabación del vídeo sobre la Cátedra y el SmartCities DemoLab con los estudiantes de la escuela de verano del Máster Erasmus Mundus en Transporte Sostenible y Sistemas eléctricos de potencia. Impresionantes los proyectos que han desarrollado en el laboratorio, IoT, gestión de la energía, inteligencia artificial,….

Pablo Arboleya

Pablo Arboleya

During the last ten years I worked in the University of Oviedo. I had several projects with companies like ABB, Arcelor, EdP, REE, Hidrocantabrico, CAF,... Nowadays Im involved in a International Master Course Project in "Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems". The course will start next september in the University of Oviedo. We have several partners univiersities like University of Nottinham, University of Rome and Higher Engineering Institute of Coimbra. Teachers from all of these universities will collaborate in theaching. Several companies are involved like ABB, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Edp, HC, Seat, Ford, Trainelec, Gamesa. The companies will collaborate in teaching and also offering internships and Master Thesis toutoring.

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